BTS: Brand Photography Workshop in Austin

Behind the Scenes with Wendy Yalom and Meg Marie at the Brand Photography Workshop in Austin, TX.

Have you ever been in a room full of women photographers full of ambition, passion, creativity and pizazz? Because I have!

There is something so magnificent about the energy exchanged in a workshop like the one that Wendy Yalom and Meg Marie had in October in Austin. I was so excited to be able to capture the behind the scenes of this event for brand photographers. The workshop focused on creating memorable client experiences for brand photography clients as well as experimenting and practicing with real entrepreneur models. Each photographer came away with tons of excitement and learned something new to take into consideration in their already successful brand photography businesses.

The behind the scenes footage I captured is part of what I can offer as a service for business owners, which was a combination of phone videos for social media (specifically for short form content like Reels and TikToks), professional documentary photography as well as camera video footage of the event. The video footage I captured was made into a brand film so that Wendy and Meg could use this in future brand workshop events. The combination of these services can provide a ton of value to you if you need a lot of content for your website, social media, sales pages and more.

Day 1 of the workshop started out in a beautiful Peerspace rental in Travis Heights with the most beautiful bright and airy lighting! Wendy and Meg helped photographers hone in on their goals in their business and client experience. Day 2 of the workshop started in downtown Austin, on South Congress (or SoCo, as us Austinites so affectionately call it), where the gals got to practice photographing each other and experimenting on posing and photography prompts. Later, the group met in Westlake at another beautiful Peerspace rental with a view of the hill country that was to die for! There, they practiced on female entrepreneur models who had some kickass outfits and gorgeous smiles.

Dying to see some of the work? Take a peek below!

And if the photos weren’t enough to show you how amazing this event was- check out the event film that I created!

CEO- Chief Extraness Officer

Ashley is the owner and head photographer at The AWE Studio. On a normal day, you can find her binging Netflix shows, baking something she’ll regret eating later, or using her loudness to encourage others to show off their uniqueness online!

Brand Minis with The AWE Studio


Props for brand photos: how to choose the best ones for your next photo or video shoot